

Rens Krijgsman(武致知),男,1987年生,荷兰人。牛津大学东方学博士,现为清华大学出土文献研究与保护中心副教授,入选2022“仲英青年学者”主要研究方向为先秦、秦汉出土文献、写本文化研究。主要学术兼职:现任EASCM(欧洲简帛学会)委员会秘书长,EASCM Newsletter (《欧洲简帛学会通讯》)编辑,Bamboo and Silk(《简帛》英文刊)副编辑,《饶宗颐国学院汉学丛书》编委委员,Bulletin of SOAS 《亚非学院院刊》国际顾问委员。


20069月至20108月,莱顿大学汉学系,本科,指导教师Paul van Els(叶波教授)。其中,20089月至20098月留学于台湾清华大学。

20109月至20128月,莱顿大学亚洲学院汉学系,硕士,指导教师Barend ter Haar(田海教师)。

201210月至20171月,牛津大学东方研究所汉学专业,博士,指导教师为Dirk Meyer(麦笛教授)。其中,20149月,复旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心访问研修;20158月至20167月,台湾“中研院”史语所博士候选人培育计划访问学者,指导教师邢义田教授。















Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge《早期中国的合集:格言、记忆、诗歌与数术》,荷兰·莱顿:Brill, 20233月。书评,见:Barbara Hendrischke文,收录 Religious Studies Review, 49/3 (2023), 421

Rens Krijgsman ed., Proceedings of the Rombouts Graduate Conference, Leiden: Stichting Shilin, 2013.Rens Krijgsman主编:《Rombouts中国的国际化与本土化国际青年研讨会论文集》,2013年。莱顿:士林基金会。

Rens Krijgsman, D.J.J. van Esch, Revised edition of D.R. Jonker, Wenyan Partikels: Woordenboek van de Klassiek Chinese Functiewoorden, Leiden; Stichting Shilin, 2011. Currently in translation as Wenyan Particles: Dictionary of Classical Chinese Particles. (Rens KrijgsmanD.J.J. van Esch合编:《文言虚词:古汉语语助词词典》, 2011年。莱顿:士林基金会。



Punctuation and Text Division in Two Early Narratives: The Tsinghua University *Jin Wen Gong ru yu Jin 晉文公入於晉 and Zi Fan Zi Yu 子犯子餘 Manuscripts (《两篇故事的标点与分段法: <晉文公入於晉>和<子犯子餘>》Journal of the American Oriental Society 《美国东方学会杂志》2023年第1期,页109-124

Elision and Narration: Remembering and Forgetting in Some Recently Unearthed Historiographical Manuscripts” 《省略与叙事:近期出土历史文献的记忆与遗忘》收录Albert Galvany 高梵寧编:The Craft of Oblivion: Aspects of Forgetting and Memory in Ancient China 《湮没的工艺:古代中国记忆与遗忘专题》,纽约州立大学出版社,2023年,页46-69


Rens Krijgsman,“A Preliminary Analysis of Rhymed Passages in the Daybook ManuscriptsBamboo and Silk 4.2 (2021), 291-335. (《日书韵文初探》,《简帛(英文刊)》42期,2021年,页291-335。)

武致知(Rens Krijgsman),《文化记忆和出土“书体”文本中的轶事:论清华〈保训〉简对文类张力的调和》,《出土文献》,2021年第2,页110-126

武致知(Rens Krijgsman),《论早期中国阅读模式的形成:〈用曰〉〈引书〉的使用和制作》,《简帛》第22辑,上海古籍出版社,2021年,页85-130


Rens Krijgsman and Paul Nicholas Vogt, “The One Text in the Many: Separate and Composite Readings of an Early Chinese Historical Manuscript,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 82.3 (2019), 473-492.(Rens Krijgsman(第一作者)与Paul Nicholas Vogt:《多文本中的一本:一个早期中国历史文献的单独与复合读法》,《亚非学院院刊》,823期,2019年,页473-492。)

Rens Krijgsman transl.: Liang Tao 梁濤, “The Qiong da yi shi 窮達以時 (Poverty or Success Is a Matter of Timing) and the Concept of Heaven and Humans in Early Confucianism,” in Shirley Chan 陈慧 ed., Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts (New York: Springer, 2019), 197-211. (Rens Krijgsman 翻译:梁涛:《竹简〈穷达以时〉与早期儒家天人观》, 收入陈慧编,《道哲学系列丛书:出土郭店楚简指南》。纽约:斯普林格,2019年,页197-211。)

Rens Krijgsman, “A Self-reflexive Praxis: Changing Perceptions of Writing, Orality, and Text”, Early China 42 (2019), 75-110(《自我反省的文本:早期中国写本与文本的理解转变探析》,《古代中国》42卷,2019年,页75-110


Rens Krijgsman, “An Inquiry into the Formation of Readership in Early China: Using and Producing the *Yong yue 用曰 and Yinshu 引書Manuscripts”, T’oung Pao 104.1-2 (2018), 2-65. (《早期中国“读者”探讨:使用与制作〈用曰〉与〈引书〉写本》,《通报》1041-2期,2018年,页2-65。)(A&HCI来源期刊)。


Rens Krijgsman, “Cultural Memory and Excavated Anecdotes in “Documentary” Narrative: Mediating Generic Tensions in the Baoxun 保训 Manuscript”, in Paul van Els and Sarah Queen eds., Between History and Philosophy: Anecdotes in Early China (New York: SUNY, 2017), 301-330. (《书文体里面的文化记忆与出土传说:〈保训〉篇之调解文体矛盾》, 收在Paul van Els Sarah Queen 编:《中国古代短语的修辞作用》。纽约:纽约州立大学出版社,2017年,页301-330。)


Rens Krijgsman, “Travelling Sayings as Carriers of Philosophical Debate: From the Intertextuality of the *Yucong 语丛 to the Dynamics of Cultural Memory and Authorship in Early China”, Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques 68.1 2014: 83-115. (《以流动谚语带动哲学讨论:从〈语丛1-3〉的互文性看古代中国文化记忆以及作者文体的运转》,《亚洲学刊》,68期,2014年,页83-115。)


Rens Krijgsman (武致知):[书评] 程浩《有为言之:先秦类文献的源与流》(Cheng Hao: Speaking of their Actions. The Origin and Spread of pre-Qin Documentary-type Texts), European Research Center for Chinese Studies, https://erccs.hypotheses.org/1500, June 1, 2022.

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Park, Haeree, The Writing System of Scribe Zhou - Evidence from Late Pre-imperial Chinese Manuscripts and Inscriptions (5th -3rd centuries BCE). BSOAS 80.1 (2017),176-178. Rens Krijgsman:评 朴慧莉,《史籀之书写制度:先秦简帛铭文例证》《亚非学院院刊》,801期,2017年,页176-178。)

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Allan, Sarah, Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Rulership in Early China. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 79.3 (2016), 681-2. Rens Krijgsman:评 艾兰,《封尘的思想:早期中国的禅让与圣王传说》,《亚非学院院刊》,793期,2016年,页681-2。)

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Wang Haicheng, Writing and the Ancient State: Early China in Comparative Perspective, Early China, 38 (2015): 237-240.Rens Krijgsman:评 王海成,《书写与古代邦国:早期中国比较研究》,《早期中国》,38卷,2015年,页237-240。)

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Richter, Matthias L., The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Early Chinese Manuscripts, T’oung Pao 99 4-5 (2013): 544-548. (Rens Krijgsman:评 李孟涛,《文本的体现:辨别中国早期写本的独立性》, 《通报》994-5期,2013年,页544-548。)

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Li Ruohui 李若暉, Spring and Autumn and Warring States Intellectual History: An Exploration 春秋戰國思想史探微, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12.1 (2013): 129-132. Rens Krijgsman:评 李若晖 《春秋战国思想史探微》, 刊于《道:比较哲学期刊》,121期,2013年,页129-132。)

Rens Krijgsman, Review of Li Feng and David Prager Branner, eds., Writing and Literacy in Early China: Papers from the Columbia Early China Seminar, Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 41.2 (2012): 126-148. Rens Krijgsman:评 李峰 与 David Prager Branner 编, 《早期中国的书写与读写能力:哥伦比亚大学早期中国研讨会论文集》,《亚东语言学期刊》,412期,2012年,页126-148。)




论文《早期中国“读者”探讨:使用与制作〈用曰〉与〈引书〉写本》入选130T’oung Pao通报期刊第一批编辑甄选论文。


“Collecting and disseminating technical knowledge,” DHSS "Teaching & Learning" Lecture, 珠海,北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院2022924日。

“Framing Discourse and the Suggestion of Similarity in Collections: the Tsinghua University *Wuji 五紀 manuscript,” Intertextual Dialogue in Early Chinese Writings, 新加坡,耶鲁-新加坡国立大学学院,202255-7日。


 “Material Conditions of Genre Formation in Early Verse Collections”, "Materiality of Knowledge in Chinese thought, Past and Present" (《文体发展的物质性条件—以早期诗集为例》),古今中国思想知识的物质性研讨会,20199月,长沙,湖南大学岳麓书院。


《从多个文本到多文本的写本简册:历史文献的单篇和多章理解》,与侯昱文合讲,“汉唐写本文化研究”(DUNHUANG DOCUMENTS AND MANUSCRIPT STUDIES)国际学术研讨会,2018622-24日,武汉大学文学院。

“Narrative Text Division as seen in the Tsinghua Manuscripts”( 《清华简7所见故事分段究》), 清华简第六辑与第七辑国际研讨会,20171025-29日,香港浸会大学饶宗颐学院、澳门大学中文系。

《早期中国“阅读”形成探研——以上博简〈用曰〉、张家山汉简〈引书〉的使用和制作为中心》, 中国简帛学国际论坛, 2017109-12日,武汉大学。

“Problematizing the Paragraph: Text Division in Early Chinese Manuscript-Texts?”, 6th EASCM conference: “Chinese Manuscripts from Bamboo Slips to Buddhist Scrolls: Forms and Practices, Continuities and Innovations”, 17 September 2017, Cambridge.(《段落的问题化:早期中国简文分段研究》,第六届欧洲简帛学会研讨会“从简到卷:中国写本的样式与使用、传承与创新”2017917日,剑桥大学。)

  ‘YIN GAOZONG WEN YU SAN SHOU 《殷高宗問於三壽》reading’,with Marc Kalinowski,  Human Nature, Morality, and Fate in the Tsinghua University Bamboo Manuscripts", 10-12 May 2016, Erlangen. (《〈殷高宗問於三壽阅读》,与马克合讲,清华简的人性、道德、命运研讨会,2016510-12日,埃尔朗根大学。)

《张家山汉简〈引书〉阅读方式研究》,简牍与物质文化——古代中国研究青年学者研习会, 20160422日,台北,台湾“中研院”史语所。

‘Early Song Collections: Genre and Framing in Early Chinese Manuscripts’ together with Du Heng and Monica Park, “Constructing the Anthology: Between Warring States China and the Hellenistic Mediterranean” panel at The Princeton Early Text Cultures Workshop, 17 April 2016, Princeton. (《早期歌集:早期中国写本的文体与框架》,与杜恒、Monica Park合讲,早期中国与古希腊文集的形成论坛,普林斯顿大学早期文本文化工作坊,20160417日,普林斯顿大学。)

  ‘The Duke of Zhou as a Breaker of Genres: Transformations of Authorship in Early China’, “Revisiting Old Heroes, or Non-Traditional Readings of Traditional Figures”, AAS 2016 Annual Meeting, 2 April 2016, Seattle.(《作者概念的演变:论周公的跨文体性》,回顾圣人:传统圣人新解读论坛,亚洲研究协会2016研讨会, 20160402日,西雅图。)

‘The Duke of Zhou as Genre-defying Author in Early China’, “The Fourth Annual Early China Conference, 31 March 2016, Seattle.(《文体的破格:论周公在早期中国文本中的作者形象》,第四届早期中国研究协会研讨会, 20160331日,西雅图。)

《写本文化:战国时期言论的文本化》,谁古代中国?—古代中国研究青年学者研习会,20160202日, 台北:台湾“中研院”史语所。

 ‘Doubt in Antiquity: Historiographical Manuscript Texts from the Warring States’, Needham Research Institute Text Reading Seminars, 28 November 2014, Cambridge. (《古代之疑古?战国时期书写历史的写本》, 20141128日,剑桥大学·李約瑟研究所。)

 ‘Forming Content? Using and Producing Manuscripts: The *Yong Yue and Yinshu manuscripts’, Paper presentation at the European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts conference, “Orthopraxy, Orthography, Orthodoxy – Emic and Etic Standards and Classifications of Chinese Manuscripts”, 11-13 July 2014, Heidelberg. (《陶冶内容?读写简帛竹书的历史演变:以上博〈用曰〉与张家山〈引书〉为例》,欧洲简帛学会研讨会 《正道,正字,正统:写本的内在与外在的标准及界定》,2014611-13日,海德堡大学。)

 ‘Moulding the Past - Writing, Text, and Memory in Early Chinese Manuscripts’, Invited talk in the seminar series “Cultural materiality: concepts at stake in comparative manuscript studies”, 21 May 2014 URPP Asia and Europe, Zurich. (《造型古代:早期中国写本的书写,文本,与记忆》,“物质文化讲座系列”,特请演讲,2014521日,苏黎世大学。)

‘Writing and Genre: Cultural Memory Formation in the *Bao Xun’, Invited talk and text reading, 2 May 2014, University of Edinburgh. (《书写与文体:〈保训〉如何造成文化记忆》,爱丁堡大学古文读书组,特请演讲与导读, 201452日,爱丁堡大学。)

‘Textualized Memory: The Use of the ´*Yucong´ in Early Chinese Memory Culture’, “Society for the Study of Early China 2nd annual meeting”, 27 March 2014, Philadelphia. (《记忆的文本化:早期中国文化记忆中的郭店〈语丛〉》,第二届早期中国学会讨论会,2014327日,费城。)

 ‘Why write things down in the first place? Nature(s) and use(s) of the *Wuwang Jianzuo 武王践祚and *Yucong 语丛 manuscripts’, “Cambridge Graduate Conference in Chinese Studies: Reflecting on the Nature(s) and Use(s) of Pre-modern Chinese Texts”, 6-7 March 2014, Cambridge. (《为何而书写?以上博〈武王践祚〉与郭店〈语丛〉为例》,剑桥大学青年汉学研讨会,201436-7日,剑桥大学。)

 ‘Navigating the Great Flood Narratives: select uses and transformations of flood narratives in Ancient China and Mesopotamia’, Joined talk with Katheryn Kelly for the “Early Textual Cultures Seminar”, 20 February 2014, Wolfson College, Oxford. (《航行大水灾故事:中国与两河流域早期水灾故事的引用与演变》,与Katheryn Kelly合讲,早期书写文明研讨会,2014224日,牛津大学 Wolfson学院。)

 ‘Cultural Memory and Excavated Anecdotes in Shu Narrative: The Mediation of Generic Tension in the Bao xun保訓’, “The Rhetorical use of Anecdotes Workshop”, 31 May - 1 June 2013, Leiden. (《〈书〉文体中的文化记忆与古代传说:清华简〈保训〉的文体问题》,中国古代短语的修辞作用研讨会,2013531日,莱顿大学。)

‘Power, Virtue or Force: a Preliminary Semantical Analysis of De ’, “Rombouts Graduate Conference”, 6-7 September 2011, Leiden. (《权威、道德与势力:试图用语义学讲“德”字》,Rombouts 中国的国际化与本土化国际青年研讨会,201196-7日,莱顿大学。)